
Interceptive and selective treatment of tooth wear using no-prep & ultra-conservative adhesive techniques: a conceptual and clinical update

Dr. Didier Dietschi


Erosion, awake and sleep bruxism are widely spread disorders inducing attrition and erosion along with a detrimental impact on esthetics. The growing incidence of these pathologies mandates early diagnosis so that proper preventive or at least interceptive measures are taken. New scientific and clinical evidence supports the application of risk factor oriented clinical approach to treat various forms of tooth wear. The program will particularly focus on interceptive treatment strategies based on “no-prep” or ultra-conservative adhesive techniques, having great potential for treating nearly all patients before they reach more severe tissue loss.

Learning Objectives

  1. Wear diagnosis and prognosis
  2. Global approach to treatment
  3. Management of the vertical dimension of occlusion and occlusal positions
  4. Direct interceptive treatment methods
  5. Indirect treatment methods


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